giovedì 7 febbraio 2013

Richard Lindgren -- Grace (2012)


Mary Gauthier says: “From my first listen, I believed the songs of Richard Lindgren. I believed he was telling me the truth, that he was a trustworthy singer and writer. That he does it in ENGLISH, when his native tongue is Swedish, is astonishing to me. This is no small feat. Richard Lindgren’s songs introduce me to pieces of myself that I didn’t have words for until he sang them. This is the best a songwriter can hope to give a listener, the most a songwriter can offer. It is a gift that helps us, the listeners, to remain conscious in this terrifying, heartbreaking, and breathtakingly beautiful world. Richard is a true artist, and I am a true fan. Listen to these songs with an open heart; they will not let you down.”

1 commento:

  1. Un 'altra raffinata e imprevista scoperta fatta entrando nella casa virtuale del mio amico Federico..
    Quante cose mi hai fatto scoprire in questi anni..grazie , grazie di cuore..per averle condivise con noi!
    Un abbraccio sincero!
