venerdì 10 gennaio 2014

John Campbell - One Believer -

Non temo l'inferno,adesso i morti  mi fanno meno paura dei vivi. Ho acceso la lampada sullo scrittoio ma i suoi contorni continuavano a sfumare.La luna era cosi' piccola in quel cielo nero, che l'avrei potuta raccogliere dentro il palmo della mia mano.Qualcosa da dentro lo specchio mi guardava. Poi un rantolo rauco, mi ricordò chi ero. Con sufficiente precisione.

The winter trees stand naked. It's almost dark.
One man walks slowly, alone in the park.
His mind is full of visions only he can see,
And Lord, Lord, Lord, he sure looks a lot like me.

One Believer
That's all he's praying for.
One Believer
To open just one door.

He goes down by the lake. It's solid ice.
Pigeons gather round, he throws them some rice.
He's got a picture running technicolor through his mind.
He sees his name in lights and damned if it ain't the same as mine.

He goes back to his room. He writes a bit.
He's sure as always, this one will be a hit.
He switches of the lamp so his loneliness won't show,
And that prayer inside his head, that's one I know.

One Believer
That's all he's praying for.
One Believer
To open just one door

2 commenti:

  1. Oh, ragazzi questo è una roba fantasmagorica! La National era quella di
    Lightnin' Hopkins in persona!
